Since cleaning and disinfecting play such an essential role in helping to reduce the spread of germs, especially in times like these, let’s look at a few important tips and tricks on effective practices. These steps are helpful and useful in any situation, not just in times of emerging pathogen outbreaks such as COVID-19.
All frequently touched hard, and soft surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected daily. Do document all the surfaces that fall into this category to ensure that nothing is missed.
Disinfecting should be the last thing that is done before leaving a room after tidying up and cleaning activities such as emptying the trash, vacuuming and washing visible soil on surfaces. This way, surfaces and objects have less of a chance at becoming contaminated again between the time they get cleaned and the time that the area is reoccupied.
When using an electrostatic sprayer, disinfect surfaces starting from high to low so that any dirt or dust that may contain microorganisms gets dislodged from above and can be removed when you clean the lower surfaces
Surfaces and other areas should also be cleaned, starting from the cleaning room to the dirtiest room to minimize the amount of cross-contamination. For example, restrooms being one of the dirtiest and germiest areas of facilities should be cleaned last.
An electrostatic sprayer will reduce cross-contamination because, in most cases, a spray-and-wipe technique can transfer bacteria from one surface to another.
Remove visible soil before applying a disinfectant; this allows a disinfectant to work as intended
To determine if a disinfecting liquid is right for the job, look at the label and read the directions for use. When in doubt, refer to the EPA’s List N or Health Canada’s list of hard-surface disinfectants with evidence against COVID-19
Check your disinfectant to ensure that it is on the EPA N List and/or the Health Canada approved list for disinfectants that will fight COVID-19.
Check the EPA N List for approved disinfectants:
Check the Health Canada List for approved disinfectants:
Rowe Services sells Bioesque plant based disinfectant that uses THYMOX which is on both the EPA N and Health Canada Lists. This will help you keep staff and customers as safe as possible. Rowe also sells electrostatic sprayers to help with application of the product.