Our regular delivery hours are between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday. Regular rates apply to deliveries and pickups scheduled within a four hour window (such as 8-noon, 10am-2pm etc.) Specific times or evenings/weekends/holidays are available at an additional cost. A $500 rental minimum is required for most deliveries.
Ring toss
Ring Toss is the perfect outdoor game for any occasion. Challenge your friends and family to a ring tossing match. All ages and skill sets can enjoy.
- Players take turns tossing rings at the targets. Where the rings land determines how many points are awarded. From 10 points to 50 points. Play to 200 or decide for yourself how many points it will take to win the game.
Set comes with 2 solid wood targets, 5 light brown rope rings and 5 dark brown rope rings.
Lawn Darts
Play the classic game of lawn darts by setting up the target rings and then let ’em fly! Quick Setup! Place your targets and you are ready!
- The game may be played with standard or Handly Cup rules. Either variation can be played one-on-one or by teams of two.
- In the team versions, the players stand with one member from each team at each end and toss the darts to a target about 35 feet (11 m) away (with variation based on the players’ skill and the location of the game).
- In standard game play, points are scored when a dart lands in the target area. Usually if players from both teams land darts in the target, the scores cancel each other; for example, if Team A lands two darts in the target area and Team B lands one, Team A would get one point and Team B would get zero.
- With the Handly Cup style, scores are based on darts in the ring plus darts closer to the ring than any of the opposing team’s darts. Darts landing inside the ring, or “ringers”, are worth three points each, and can be canceled by darts thrown by opponents that also land in the ring. Any dart that is closer to, but outside, the ring than any other dart thrown by the opposing team is worth one point. This means that if neither team managed to place a dart into the ring, but Team A landed two darts closer than did any of Team B’s darts, Team A would score two points. If Team A landed one dart in the ring, and one dart closer than any of Team B’s darts, Team A would score four points. If both teams land darts in the ring, it is impossible for a dart outside the ring to score any points, as it is farther from the ring than the opposing team’s dart that is inside. If Team A and Team B each land a dart inside the ring, and Team A also lands a dart outside the ring but closer to the ring than Team B’s other dart, neither team would score any points for the round. Handly Cup style matches are typically played by teams of two, with the pairs alternating until one team’s total score is 21 or more. For a point to count, the dart must stick into the ground.
Set comes with 8 Soft Tipped Lawn Darts for up to 4 players and 2 All Weather Target Rings.
Pétanque (commonly referred to as ‘Boules’). Pétanque is similar to the game of Bocce, and is a target-toss game. This game can be played on many surfaces and is fun for all age groups and athletic abilities.
- You can play the game with two teams of one or two players on each side. Toss a coin to choose which team plays first. Any player in this team chooses where to draw a circle on the ground in which every player will stand to throw their boules. The circle should be at least 1m from any obstacle (wall, tree, edge of playing area, etc).
- He/she then throws the “cochonnet” between 4m and 8m, or 6 to 10 paces from the circle in any direction. It also must not be closer than 1m from any obstacle.
- Any player from the first team then throws the first boule, trying to get it as close as possible to the “cochonnet”. Both feet must stay together on the ground and within the circle while throwing and until the boule has landed. A player from the other team then steps into the circle and tries to place a boule closer to the cochonnet than their opponent, or to knock the opponent’s boule away. You must throw within 1 minute of your turn starting. The boule nearest to the cochonnet is said to be “holding the point”
- The players in the team that is not “holding” continue throwing until they place a boule closest to the cochonnet, and so on. Players on the same team do not have to take alter-nate throws, but player must always play their own boules.
- When a team has no more boules to be played, the players of the other team throw theirs and try to place them as close as possible to the cochonnet.
- When both teams have no more boules, you stop and count up the points. The winning team scores one point for each boule nearer the cochonnet than the opponents closest. Only one team can score points in each round.
- A player from the team that has won throws the cochonnet from a new circle drawn round the cochonnet’s last position. The winners are the first team to reach 13 points (or whatever total you decide).
Set comes with 8 Boule Set, scoring wooden jack and measuring string\
A backyard croquet court doesn’t have to be a perfectly manicured lawn, but short grass provides the best playing surface. If you have room, the official full-size court is a rectangle, 100 feet long by 50 feet wide. For backyard play you can adjust the size and shape of the court to fit the available space. Use string or chalk to mark definite boundaries if you choose, or just mark the corners with flags or stakes
- The nine wickets and two stakes are arranged in a double-diamond pattern. The wickets should be firmly planted in the ground, and the width of the wickets should be uniform throughout the court.
- For a two- or four-player, two-sided game, you need four balls. The colors usually used are blue, red, black, and yellow. One side (with one or two players) plays with blue and black, and the other with red and yellow. In “one-ball” games, you need one ball colour per player.
- Each player uses a mallet. Only the striking (end) face may be used to strike a ball, unless the players have agreed to allow the use of “side” shots or other shot-making variations.
- The object of the game is to advance your ball through the course scoring points for each wicket and stake in the correct order and direction. The winner is the first side to score 14 wicket points and 2 stake points for each of its balls. In a timed game if the time expires, the team with the most points at the end of the time period wins.
- All balls are played into the game from a spot halfway between the finishing stake and wicket #1. The order of play is blue, red, black, and yellow. When four balls are played with two players, the sides are blue/black against red/yellow; with four players (doubles) each player plays one color ball.
- If the striker takes a swing at his/her ball and misses entirely, the miss counts as a shot and the turn ends, unless the striker had a second “bonus” shot.
- If the striker’s mallet accidentally hits another ball other than the striker ball, the shot must be replayed, but with no loss of turn.
Set includes mallets for 4 Players, 2 Wood Stakes, 4 Molded Balls and 9 Wire Wickets.
Kubb is a lawn game where the objective is to knock over wooden blocks by throwing wooden batons at them. Kubb can be described as a combination of bowling and horseshoes.
- Kubb is played one team against another. Teams can be made up of any amount of people but a good number in each team is 1 or 2 players. The amount of people on each team does not need to be the same amount of players. For informal play, it doesn’t really matter but a maximum of 6 players can be in a team.
- The official measurements of a Kubb Arena should be 8m x 5m, however this can be reduced for an easier game or if space is more limited. The court is a rectangular area but can be scaled down to suit you.
- The imaginary line which is in the middle of the pitch is often referred to as the middle line. The King is then placed on the middle line in the centre of the pitch. The 10 Kubbs are placed along the baselines, 5 being placed at each end.
The kubbs placed on the baseline are called Baseline Kubbs. During play Kubbs are thrown into the middle of the pitch and are stood up where they land. The Kubbs are then known as Field Kubbs. - Once a decision has been made on who will go first the game can begin. Team A then throws the 6 batons from behind the baseline at the opposition’s kubbs which are at the opposite end of the pitch.
- Once all of the batons have been thrown the opposing team (Team B) has to gather up any kubbs that have been knocked down. This team then needs to throw them back to team A’s side of the field. If they are thrown back into play they are called field kubbs. Any kubbs which land outside of the area or not passing the centre line can be re-thrown by team B. If then the kubb still lands in the wrong place, Team A can then place it at any chosen spot on the pitch but is must be at least one baton away from the king kubb.
- The game then continues with play being alternated between the two teams until one team’s entire baseline kubbs have been knocked down. The winner of the game is the team who knocks down all the kubbs in their opponents half of the pitch and on the baseline and then knocks over the king. But if a team knocks down the king prior to knocking down all of the kubbs that team immediately will lose the game.
Below are a few rules below which need to be followed during play.
- Batons must be thrown underarm and straight on (not spun) – they must be held at one end. A Baton may knock over more than one Kubb at a time.
- If a Kubb topples but does not fall over completely, it can remain standing.
- If one Kubb falls so that it is resting on another Kubb or a throwing stick, it is deemed to have been knocked over.
- Baseline Kubbs knocked down whilst Field Kubbs are still standing can be stood up again.
- Any Kubb which lands on top of another Kubb when it is thrown back into the Arena must be stood on top of the other Kubb to form a tower.
- Any Kubbs which have been knocked down must be thrown from your own baseline.
- Kubbs may be spun in any direction.
- You can only attempt to knock down the King from your Baseline, not from the line level with a Field Kubb. If you knock down the King when Kubbs remain standing you lose the game.
- The King can only be attacked once both teams have had one complete turn
Set comes with:
- Ten kubbs, rectangular wooden blocks.
- One king, a larger wooden piece
- Six batons.
- Six field marking pins, four to designate the corners of the pitch, and two to mark the centreline.
Bocce is a target-toss game that is easy for the whole family to play. This game is best played on a grass surface and is fun for all age groups and athletic abilities.
- The game is played with two teams, with each team having one, two, or four players. For four player teams, each player throws one ball. For two player teams, each player throws two balls. For one player teams, each player throws four balls. When there are multiple players on a team, a playing rotation is determined at the start of a game and is maintained throughout the entire game.
- A game begins with the toss of a coin. The team that wins the coin toss can choose to either have first toss of the pallino or the color of the balls they will use. To start a game, the pallino is rolled or tossed by a member of the team having won the coin toss. A player can toss the pallino any distance as long as it passes the center line of the court and stays within the boundaries of the court. If the player fails to toss the ball properly into play, a member of the opposing team will toss the ball into play. If the opposing team fails to properly toss the pallino into play, the toss reverts to a member of the original team.
- The player tossing the pallino must deliver the first ball. If the ball lands outside of the boundaries of the court, that team must roll again until the first ball is put into play. Otherwise, that player steps aside and the opposing team will then deliver their balls until one of its Bocce balls is closer to the pallino or has thrown all its balls. The “nearest ball” rule governs the sequence of thrown balls. The side whose ball is closest to the pallino is called the “in” ball and the opposing side the “out” ball. Whenever a team gets “in”, it steps aside and allows the “out” team to deliver. The other team throws until it gets its ball closer (not ties) to the pallino. This continues until both teams have thrown all their Bocce balls. After both teams have exhausted all their balls, a frame is over and points are awarded. The game resumes by teams throwing from the opposite end of the court. The team that was awarded points in the previous frame begins the next frame by tossing the pallino into play.
- All balls must be thrown underhanded. A team has the option of rolling, tossing, bouncing, etc. its ball down the court provided it does not go outside the boundaries of the court or the player does not violate the foul line. The foul line is used to deliver all balls down the court with the intent of getting a ball closer to the pallino, knocking the opponent’s ball away from the pallino, or hitting the pallino so that it ends up closer to your team’s ball.
- A player should not step on or over the foul line before releasing any ball. If a player steps over the foul line, the player will receive one warning. For a player that commits a second foul line infraction, the team fouled against will be awarded points as they were immediately proceeding the foul and the frame will end. The team committing the foul will be awarded no points for the frame. Or, the fouled against team may have the option of declining the penalty and completing the frame.
- Any ball that goes outside the boundaries of the court is considered a dead ball and is removed immediately from play until the end of a frame. If the pallino is knocked outside the boundaries of the court during play, the frame ends with no points awarded and a new frame is started.
- At the end of each frame, points will be awarded. Only one team scores in a frame. One point is awarded for each ball that is closer to the pallino than the closest ball of the opposing team. In the event that the closest ball of each team is the same distance from the pallino, no points will be awarded and the pallino returns to the team that delivered it. Only balls which are distinguishably closer to the pallino than any of the opponent’s balls are awarded points. All measurements should be made from the center of the pallino to the edge of a Bocce ball. Games are played to 16 points with the first team reaching 16 points being the winner of a game.
Set comes with 8 Ball Set and white Pallino.
Jumbo High Tower
Jumbo High Tower is the perfect outdoor game for any occasion. Challenge your friends and family to a match. All ages and skill sets can enjoy.
- Jumbo High Tower is played with 54 wooden blocks. The tower has eighteen levels of three blocks placed adjacent to one another along their long side and at right angles to the previous level
- Once the tower is built, the person who built the tower gets the first move. Moving in Jenga consists of taking one and only one block from any level and placing it on the topmost level to complete it.
- The game ends when the tower falls, or if any piece falls from the tower other than the piece being knocked out to move to the top. The winner is the last person to remove and place a block successfully!
Set comes with:
- 54 wooden blocks.
- A container that can be used as a base to build the tower on
Jumbo Four in a Row
Jumbo Four in a Row is the perfect outdoor game for any occasion. Challenge your friends and family to a match. All ages and skill sets can enjoy.
Jumbo Four in a Row is played with two to four people where you are trying to get four discs in a row while also blocking your opponents moves.
- Players choose a color and then take turns dropping colored discs into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended grid. The pieces fall straight down, occupying the lowest available space within the column.
- The objective of the game is to be the first to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four of one’s own discs.
Set comes with:
- Game board
- 35 wooden discs.
Bean Bag Toss
This game is played with two to four people ands can be played Indoor or outdoor. Boards can be setup as far apart as your desire. Throw your bean bags on the board for 1 point or in the hole for 3 points. First team to 21 points wins.
Washer toss
Washer boxes are typically positioned on flat surfaces about 20 feet apart. If you would like to give yourself and your friends more of a challenge, you can space them out even farther.
Washer toss can be played in teams of one or two players. If you are playing one-on-one, both players throw in the same direction and rotate sides after each round. For two-on-two games, one player from each team stands on either end of the play area.
Players can toss from either side of the board and are allowed to have one foot go past the front of the board or box.
The starting team will throw all four of their washers one at a time — if playing two-on-two each teammate will toss twice — toward the washer box. After all eight washers are thrown, scores are determined and players switch sides before moving on to the next round. Whichever team won the previous round throws first in the next.
The game is played in rounds until one team reaches 21 points. Points are scored based on how close to the cup or hole the washers are thrown.
- Washer in the cup or hole = three points
- Washer in the box or on the board = one point
Once all eight washers are tossed, the points from the round are added together. However, only one team will finish with points in each round because of cancellation scoring. The total number of points given to the winning team is determined by the difference of the two scores. For example, if Team A scores three points and Team B scores two points, Team A receives one point.
The official distance between the goals is 50 feet with the Instant Win slots facing each other. If you don’t have that much space you can place them closer together
The Hammer
The right to throw last is called having The Hammer. Choosing to throw last (The Hammer) is generally considered to be an advantage, similar to having “last bats” in baseball.
In a match versus the same team that consists of more than one game (competing in a “best-of” series), the losing team automatically decides if they want The Hammer when the next game in the series begins.
Play consists of four players divided into teams of two. Members of the same team (partners) stand at opposite goals. Partners will alternate throwing and deflecting a flying disc.
One partner throws the flying disc from behind the goal towards the other goal and, when necessary, the other partner redirects (deflects) it toward or into the goal. After both partners complete one throw each, the flying disc is passed to the opposing team. The thrower can score points with a direct hit to the goal or the deflector can score by deflecting the flying disc to hit or land inside the goal.
Players waiting to tip may NOT touch the goal in any way, even to let it edge up to their legs for support. It must remain free standing at all times to be legal.
Deflectors can move anywhere within the playing area to redirect the disc, including in front of the goal if necessary.
All official KanJam games are played to 21 points.
A team must achieve an exact score of 21 points to win, and teams must complete an equal number of turns (except when an Instant Win is scored).
If the team that starts the game reaches 21 points first, the team with The Hammer always has their last turn to either catch up in points, or, if 21 points is not attainable from one round of throwing, toss an Instant Win. If the team with The Hammer reaches 21 points first, they are the winners; the other team does not have another round to tie.
- DINGER – 1 point: Redirected Hit
Deflector redirects thrown disc to hit any part of the goal. - DEUCE – 2 points: Direct Hit
Thrower hits the side of the goal unassisted by partner. - BUCKET – 3 points: Slam Dunk
Deflector redirects the thrown disc and it lands inside the goal. This will almost always occur through the top of the goal, but may also occur if the disc is deflected into the slot opening. - INSTANT WIN! Direct Entry
Thrower lands the disc inside the goal unassisted by partner. The disc can enter through the slot opening on the front or through the open top of the goal. When an Instant Win occurs, the throwing team is declared the winner and the opposing team does not receive a “last toss” option.
No points are awarded when a throw hits the ground or object (such as a tree) before striking the goal directly or making a tip.
OUT THE TOP – If a deflector tips the disc into the goal and it bounces back out through the top, it is only counted as 1 point. A bounce-out will count as 1 point, regardless if the disc touches the goal off the deflection or comes out of the goal cleanly.
OUT THE SLOT – If a deflector tips the disc into the goal and it comes back out the slot, this also counts as 1 point. In this situation, the disc must touch the goal off the deflection in order to count as 1 point. If the disc is tipped into the goal and comes out the slot cleanly, it will be no points.
Going Over
Since a team must score exactly 21 points, if a given throw results in points that raise a team’s total score above 21, the points from that play are deducted from their current score and play continues. For example, if a team has 19 points and accidentally dunks a BUCKET (3 points), their score is reduced to 16 points (current score of 19 points – 3 points = 16 points). If a team has 20 points and hits the goal on the fly for a DEUCE (2 points), their score is reduced to 18 points (current score of 20 points – 2 points = 18 points).
Players from the same team must each complete one throw every turn, except when an Instant Win is thrown on the first shot of a turn and certain situations in Overtime (see Overtime below). Once again, anytime an Instant Win is thrown, the game is automatically over.
Once a team reaches 21 points on the first throw of their turn, they still must toss the disc back to the starting goal. In the event the disc happens to hit the goal on the fly on the toss back or their partner accidentally tips it to score points, that team will be over 21 points, and follows the rules described above for going over.
If both teams reach 21 points in the same number of rounds, the game is extended to overtime.
Overtime consists of each team taking a single turn; this would mean that each partner will get one throw. After the first team completes their turn, the team with The Hammer must either tie the opposing team’s overtime score to force a second overtime round or simply score more points for the outright victory.
For example, team #1 throws and scores 2 points total. If the team with The Hammer scores a clean BUCKET (3 points) on their first throw, the game is over as a victory for team #2. In this case, there is no need for the team with The Hammer to throw the disc back, as they already won the game.
If both teams score 4 points, for example, another round of overtime begins. The game proceeds as one round of overtime as needed until one team outscores the other.
An Instant Win thrown in overtime still ends the game. The opposing team does not get a chance to complete their turn, even if they have The Hammer.
KanJam mini
Goals are placed on table top 8 feet apart
The rules for Kanjam are the same
The objective of the game is to score points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations. The dice can be rolled up to three times in a turn to try to make various scoring combinations and dice should remain in an agreed upon “roll area”. A game consists of thirteen rounds where a player tries to obtain points for different categories. After each round the player chooses which scoring category is to be used for that round. Once a category has been used in the game, it cannot be used again. The scoring categories have varying point values, some of which are fixed values and others for which the score depends on the value of the dice. A backyardzee is five-of-a-kind and scores 50 points, the highest of any category. The winner is the player who scores the most points.
Set comes with:
- 1 container
- 5 large dice
- 6 dry erase score cards
- 6 dry erase pens
For blocking light there are four choices you can make:
1. Banjo
2. Double banjo

3. Plush
4. Velour
This photo is of LED lights behind sheer drape on the left and silver banjo on the right in a lit room
This photo is of LED lights behind sheer drape on the left and silver banjo on the right in a darkened room
There are many lengths of table cloths to choose from but depending on the size of your round table they will either hang short or long. See our website for the sizes we carry!